We offer in office and at home tooth whitening options. The procedures are very simple, safe and offer personalized results.
In office Whitening: At your visit, you will be in the office for about an hour and 15 minutes. We will complete three sessions of whitening based on your pre-treatment shade and condition of your teeth. You are able to listen to music, read or watch a movie during the procedure. If you would like at home whitening trays to maintain your new smile, those can be provided for you.
At Home Whitening: At your first visit, impressions are taken of your teeth to fabricate clear flexible trays, and a pre- treatment shade of your teeth. The trays are worn for one hour a day for two weeks. At your second visit, a post-treatment shade is taken to determine if acceptable results are obtained. Depending on the initial shade of your teeth, an additional week of whitening may be needed. At home whitening includes the trays and a large quantity of whitening bleach, that will allow you to whiten on your own as needed. The trays can also be used for at home fluoride-cavity prevention treatments.